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High Speed Corners: Speed control

Cornering • 2m 14s

Up Next in Cornering

  • Cornering progressions: slow in fast out

    Keeping momentum through cornering is one of those things that separates efficient riders from those who simply work too hard and waste energy.
    Use the slow in-fast out approach to making sure you gaining momentum out of corners instead of losing it, here’s how.

  • Ride smart: approaching a corner with...

    Thinking about your setup can make some features easier than they seem, let’s see how Shaums does it on a climbing corner that has a rock roll up in the middle of it.

  • Nose Manual Turns

    Check out this step by step instruction on how to practice nose manual turns.
    Nose manual turns require a lot of practice, before starting you should be comfortable:
    1. Front brake modulation.
    2. Basic rear wheel lifts.

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